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MSN / MHA Dual Degree
Featured School

At a Glance |
Serves: | USA |
Accredited: | Yes |
Enrollment: | Several Terms |
Financial Aid: | Yes |
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While some schools offer master of science in nursing (MSN) students the option to concentration in health administration or health systems management, an alternative to this degree is to double-major, getting both a MSN and master of health administration (MHA). Since some of the courses overlap, it is possible to get both of these degrees in less than double the time.
A duel MSN/MHA degree is great for nurses who are interested in management positions and business administration. In addition to learning the skills needed as a nurse, students also take classes such as financial management, ethics, law, international policy, public relations, administrative leadership, informatics and computer technology, human resources, and strategic planning. This qualifies students for jobs that ask them not only to make nursing decisions, but also to make business decisions for their company or department.
In addition, an MSN/MHA duel degree can prepare students for opening your own business. In many states, nurses with master’s degrees are legally able to open their own practices, independent of a physician. By getting a MHA as well as a MSN, students prepare to deal with the challenges of running their own business. students can also go into consulting with this duel degree, or go on to get their doctorate degree in either nursing or health administration.
Of course, there are some challenges associated with getting to different degrees. Students may be in school a bit longer, in order to fit in all of their classes, and this can often be a more expensive option. It is, however, one of the best ways to ensure there are many career doors open after graduation.